HVCU Charitable Foundation

Proud to support nonprofit organizations across 13 counties that offer programs to improve our community’s access to education, food, health, and housing for all.

HVCU Charitable Foundation

It’s in our DNA to ensure that our community has the resources they need to foster financial freedom and create a better quality of life. In 2024, our leadership team came together and established the HVCU Charitable Foundation as a tool to strengthen our work in the community and deepen the impact of our charitable giving program.

As a certified 501(c)(3) organization, the HVCU Charitable Foundation will provide meaningful funding to nonprofits whose programs and services support education, food, health, and housing for all. Banking products are not the only tools that help people achieve their personal definitions of financial freedom. Challenges in those four basic needs can be barriers and socioeconomic impediments to achieving financial health. The HVCU Charitable Foundation will foster deeper connections with our community and make more impactful contributions to our nonprofit partners and their clients.

HVCU Charitable Foundation Logo

In late 2024, the Hudson Valley Credit Union Board of Directors approved $3,000,000 from the credit union to begin an endowment for the Foundation. As the Foundation matures, future donations will help us lay the groundwork for long-term community care.

We are excited to introduce the HVCU Charitable Foundation as a new chapter in the credit union’s long history of community support. For questions, please email foundation@hvcu.org.

HVCU Charitable Foundation Grants

While the credit union itself will still accept sponsorship requests throughout the year, all future grant requests will be awarded through the HVCU Charitable Foundation. Nonprofits are now welcome to apply for a HVCU Charitable Foundation grant during the March 1 – 30 application period. All grants will be reviewed by our internal committee with decisions made by June 30. Please click the link below to start your application today.
Five volunteers lifting a wall for a house

2024 Grant Recipients